Friday, November 22, 2013

Creative Photoshop

For my creative Photoshop I put my face in a scene from inception. I was happy with how the neck fit with the neck of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I enjoyed using Photoshop, and definitely can see its uses in everyday life.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Jedi Picture

Today we made rulers into light sabers. I really enjoyed the project , even though the was a person in the background.Other than the light saber and the text, I colored the handle so t would look like a ruler, I colored all the lights black as well as the ceiling and parts of both walls. I also added in a Yoda in a secret place.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Joe's Landscape

Over the last few days I have worked on Joe's Landscape from edulaunch. I liked how the layers made it easier to organize everything but the little things like forgetting to deselect a layer were minor annoyances.
Over all I think that this is a viable way to draw,even with is drawbacks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Go Animate

Our most recent project was to make a animated video on go animate. I made mine an interrogation scene where things take a turn to the unexpected. Although it was hard to come up with ideas, I thought is was a fun experience over all.        interrogation by TheAwkwardRanger . on GoAnimate

Friday, November 1, 2013


Today we photo shopped pictures of ourselves to look like aliens. We added horns and changed our skin color among other things. But my favorite by far was adding my third and fourth eye. After this I added a bluish glow for extra alien effect.