Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big Huge Labs

Today we did bighugelabs. It was a ton of fun and really creative. This could be used for a someone wanting to make a flier. All in all it was bighuge fun.

1st Photo Funia

Today we did photo funia, a really simple Photoshop program. It was really fun to see all the possibilities that the site offered. I preferred the ones where you could crop the image because I felt more in control. My favorite was the one on the bottom with the old man.

Voki Blog

I thought voki was really cool. The amount of different characters,voices,and accents free of charge was impressive. I was stumped on what to write so I rhymed about my avatar.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tagxedo vs. Wordle

We recently have used the programs tagxedo and wordle, both are 2.0 web programs that shuffle words with different fonts and designs. However tagxedo allows you to place the words inside of a shape, thus making it more interesting. On the other hand wordle would also be useful if you wanted a different "type" of binder cover. I think that ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

First Tagxedo

This is my first tagxedo. I made it represent travel because I travel a lot because my mom is from Brasil. I made the shape a airplane because I usually travel by air.

Monday, August 26, 2013


This is a wordle that describes me and my interests.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Digital Design

I am very excited to be taking digital design because I would like to know more about Photoshop. I had never previously used Prezi but now I am familiar with it and I will use it in the future. I am excited to see what other useful programs we learn about this semester.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prezi Name Project

I liked Prezi because I felt a lot more involved in the creation of the presentation. It was more creative and much less linear. As a class we did this project to introduce ourselves to the class. On top of that we became very familiar with the ins and outs of Prezi.