Wednesday, December 18, 2013

PhotoShop Final

I really enjoyed digital design and thought it was a lot of fun. My favorite project was the final because of the it really summed up the entire semester in Photoshop. I also had a lot of fun with the web 2.0 sites especially voki. 

Movie Maker Project

Today I finished my movie project. I was very happy with how the music in the movie turned out. However the quality of the pictures seemed to become lackluster after I converted into a movie.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Today I finished my Glogster which is similar to a blog but more like a poster. I liked how manageable and easy it was to edit, their was little learning curve. However sometimes it would not be able to process an image, thus slowing down progress.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Creative Photoshop

For my creative Photoshop I put my face in a scene from inception. I was happy with how the neck fit with the neck of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I enjoyed using Photoshop, and definitely can see its uses in everyday life.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Jedi Picture

Today we made rulers into light sabers. I really enjoyed the project , even though the was a person in the background.Other than the light saber and the text, I colored the handle so t would look like a ruler, I colored all the lights black as well as the ceiling and parts of both walls. I also added in a Yoda in a secret place.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Joe's Landscape

Over the last few days I have worked on Joe's Landscape from edulaunch. I liked how the layers made it easier to organize everything but the little things like forgetting to deselect a layer were minor annoyances.
Over all I think that this is a viable way to draw,even with is drawbacks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Go Animate

Our most recent project was to make a animated video on go animate. I made mine an interrogation scene where things take a turn to the unexpected. Although it was hard to come up with ideas, I thought is was a fun experience over all.        interrogation by TheAwkwardRanger . on GoAnimate

Friday, November 1, 2013


Today we photo shopped pictures of ourselves to look like aliens. We added horns and changed our skin color among other things. But my favorite by far was adding my third and fourth eye. After this I added a bluish glow for extra alien effect.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today we went to a web 2.0 site called PicMonkey which allows you to edit your pictures to fit a theme, in this case Halloween. Many of the options were free, allowing you to make very elaborate zombies, vampires, witches, ect. In this case I created a vampire. Although I overdid the blood effect on the chin, I did like the way the teeth came out. I also added Tattoos because I thought they made the picture look more cult like.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Photo Story

This week we worked with acid music studio and photo story to make a presentation about a place we have been or a hobby. I found acid music easy to work with because it was similar to the "garage band" program on mac. I made my pictures of Boulder and had the music change with different types of pictures.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


This book is intended for grades 1-3. I enjoyed the simplicity of story bird however this simplicity also was its biggest weakness. There was little advanced changes that could be made making it dull to work with. However the artwork was superb and I was very impressed with it. Storybird could be used for a fun english project for extra credit in the future. The moon has been stolen and now John must go to the land of Droom to find it. On his journey finds good and evil, and he must persevere through it all. Join John as he goes on a wild adventure to save the moon. John E. Stash and the Tree of Cosmo

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Under Water Photoshop

This is our first creative Photoshop we have done this year. I think that Photoshop is really cool but it does not do all the work for you. In this photo I added several fish ,a turtle ,and a whale in the background. I used the burn tool where I felt it was needed ,for example I used it a lot on the whale in the background, but no so much on a fish in the foreground. I also used the opacity to make the fish in the foreground more realistic.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Group Prezi About Design Elements

The first thing I learned about the design elements was that are quite a few of them.Some of them are simple like color and line, but others get get a lot more complicated like Tone and gradation. And personally the hardest to distinguish by far was unity because it has an aura of ambiguity around it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1st Pixton

Pixton was a really fun way to make comics. In the future I will probably use pixton when I am bored, for fun. One could also use pixton for a project in a language class like Spanish. I can think of several occasions when it could be useful.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big Huge Labs

Today we did bighugelabs. It was a ton of fun and really creative. This could be used for a someone wanting to make a flier. All in all it was bighuge fun.

1st Photo Funia

Today we did photo funia, a really simple Photoshop program. It was really fun to see all the possibilities that the site offered. I preferred the ones where you could crop the image because I felt more in control. My favorite was the one on the bottom with the old man.

Voki Blog

I thought voki was really cool. The amount of different characters,voices,and accents free of charge was impressive. I was stumped on what to write so I rhymed about my avatar.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tagxedo vs. Wordle

We recently have used the programs tagxedo and wordle, both are 2.0 web programs that shuffle words with different fonts and designs. However tagxedo allows you to place the words inside of a shape, thus making it more interesting. On the other hand wordle would also be useful if you wanted a different "type" of binder cover. I think that ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

First Tagxedo

This is my first tagxedo. I made it represent travel because I travel a lot because my mom is from Brasil. I made the shape a airplane because I usually travel by air.

Monday, August 26, 2013


This is a wordle that describes me and my interests.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Digital Design

I am very excited to be taking digital design because I would like to know more about Photoshop. I had never previously used Prezi but now I am familiar with it and I will use it in the future. I am excited to see what other useful programs we learn about this semester.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prezi Name Project

I liked Prezi because I felt a lot more involved in the creation of the presentation. It was more creative and much less linear. As a class we did this project to introduce ourselves to the class. On top of that we became very familiar with the ins and outs of Prezi.